May the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Tess. 5, 23)
Pain and disease have always been considered among the major concerns that plague the consciousness of mankind. But those who profess the Christian faith, even though feeling and experiencing pain, resort to the Light of faith to better understand the mysteries of pain and reduce suffering in their lives. Because they not only know, through the word of God, the value and significance of disease to their own and the world's salvation, but also are aware of God’s predilection for them, having himself often visited and healed the sick.
Although closely linked to the sinfulness of mankind, disease cannot be considered as a punishment for one's sins, as Jesus states in the Gospel of St. John.
Moreover Christ himself, not having sinned and having followed the words of prophet Isaiah, endured in his Passion all kinds of sufferings and took on all the pain of humanity. Whenever we endure tribulations Christ suffers along with us. This suffering therefore becomes light and temporary compared with the degree of eternal glory conferred on us.
With this tripartite view of man (spirit, soul and body) comes a new anthropology which puts the emphasis on man as a whole and his history. As a limited, finite creature on the one hand, and as a son of God on the other.
It is Christ who reveals and communicates the true meaning of human existence, i.e. the new creature, the new man, the one that is in Christ or with Christ. Human existence is determined by both flesh and spirit, as we shall see throughout this exhibition.
Combating disease and cherishing health as a blessing is part of the divine plan of Providence; and the quest for cure is inherent to the human nature. This quest for cure should not only express the pursuit of health, but also to awaken the power of the Christian to combat disease and bear witness to heavenly things.
The release of mankind from mortal life is only possible through the mystery of Christ's death and resurrection.
The healing journey is always accompanied by intercession, i.e. by pleads to God, the Saints, Protectors and Patrons, as well as to all those who belong to what appears to be useful to body and soul. And so the word of the Lord is fulfilled, He who commanded us to visit the sick and look after the weak putting into practice the supreme law of God - the Law of Love.
Once the cure has been received, we naturally thank God, the intercessor for healing.
May this exhibition lead us to contemplate all these mysteries, those of weakness, but above all those of life.